Come Reason Audio CDs
Come Reason's audio classroom recordings cover a vast array of issues and topics for defending the faith. Add to that recordings from our Dare to Defend conferences that feature some of the best regarded apologetics experts in America and you will find almost anything you need to build your faith, answer your questions, and aid in sharing the hope of Christ with others.
Society and Culture
Why Christmas Matters
$7.00Christmas is one of the most celebrated times in our culture. Yet, while the holiday becomes more tainted with secular and commercial elements, we must remember that Christmas as incredibly important part of the plan for our salvation. Here, Lenny shares the need for Christmas and how you can share its importance with your friends and family this season.
How the World is Influencing the Church
$7.00Paul commands us to "be in this world, but not of it." But, how much do we let the world influence our Christianity? Do we excuse certain things because they are culturally accepted? Here, Lenny examines just what it means to live a separated life for Jesus.
Talking God at Starbucks
$7.00We want to share the Gospel, but many times we don't know how to start. Can you ask another about their faith without being viewed as offensive? Join us as we look into tactics for lovingly beginning "God Conversations" at Starbucks and other public places.
Effectively Tackling the Issue of Homosexuality
$7.00Homosexual activists continue to press a pro-gay agenda in politics and in our schools. Even many church-goers believe that same-sex marriage should be allowed. Are Christians bigoted? How can we discuss these issues in a loving and convincing way? Listen in and find out.
Starting the New Year Strong
$7.00What are some practical ways we can each get into better habits in our devotions? Are there some easy things we can do to make Bible study easier? How can we draw closer to God? Listen to this special class where Lenny shares ways to jump start your spiritual walk.
How to Talk About Faith on Facebook
$7.00Social media offers a great opportunity for Christians to talk about their faith, but many times we are confronted with people who don’t think twice about slamming the faith. How can we be both winsome and compelling in representing Jesus online? Join us Monday, October 14 to find out.
Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?
$7.00Every Christmas and Easter the charge is made that these holidays were originally pagan celebrations that Christians usurped for their own purposes. Is this true? Are Christmas and Easter nothing more than an attempt to convert unbelievers by allowing them to keep their festivals? As the holiday season approaches, we'll show why such a charge can be easily dismissed.
Christianity and Super Hero Movies
$7.00They're smashing box office records and have become one of Hollywood's most bankable formats. But why are movies like The Avengers, Capitan America, and the Dark Knight so popular? And do they hold a secret to sharing the Gospel? Join us this month to find out how super heroes derive their power from the Christian tradition.
Battling the Culture Wars
$7.00Popular media today has an incredible influence on our thoughts. From Paris Hilton to Fifty-Cent, our minds are being shaped by the values that media deems important. Here we look at providing a counter balance to culture's corrupting influence.
Tackling the Issue of Homosexuality
$7.00Homosexual activists continue to press a pro-gay agenda in politics and in our schools. Even many church-goers believe that same-sex marriage should be allowed. Are Christians bigoted? How can we discuss these issues in a loving and convincing way? Join us this month to find out.
Using Hollywood Blockbusters to Share the Gospel
$7.00Plato said, "Those who tell stories rule society." Hollywood movies are powerful tools that shape people's viewpoints. In this class, Lenny discusses how you can use top box office films to start God-conversations with friends and family and how to approach your entertainment choices more thoughtfully.
The Christian View of Halloween
$7.00Halloween is rapidly approaching and once again Christians are faced with the most overtly pagan holiday on the calendar. What are the origins of Halloween and should we allow our kids to Trick or Treat? Listen in to find out more.
Thanksgiving and America's Christian Heritage
$7.00As another holiday season approaches, we are reminded to give thanks for God's blessing on our lives. Thanksgiving is a national holiday and a testament to the Christian underpinnings of America. In this CD,you can learn more about how the United States has its roots in the Christian tradition.
Talking to Your Family about Christmas
$7.00As the holidays approach, families and friends will get together to celebrate the season. Are there good ways to discuss the true meaning of Christmas with those you love? in this CD, Lenny offers some ideas on how to share your faith effectively.
Answers to the Abortion Debate
$7.00Abortion seems to always be a moral and political flashpoint. As Christians we believe that all humans are valuable, but how do we convince friends and co-workers on this emotional topic. Listen in as we teach you how to argue persuasively, yet winsomely for the pro-life position.
How to Argue Against Homosexual Marriage
$7.00Homosexual marriage is a topic that has heated discussions in the voting booth and around the dinner table. How can Christians properly present their views to nonbelievers without being viewed as ""bigoted""? Here's how to winsomely argue for traditional marriage.
Answering The Da Vinci Code
$7.00The Da Vince Code has been a best seller for over two years and is now being made into a major motion picture. But some of its claims strike at the heart of the Christian faith. How do we answer them? Listen in as Lenny exposes the book's flaws.
New Answers to the Da Vinci Code
$7.00The best-selling book The Da Vince Code is now a blockbuster motion picture, affecting millions. Its claims are bold. In this CD Lenny shows just why Dan Brown's book is so much more fiction than fact.
Working God into Your Business
$7.00Moral and ethical decisions that have become increasingly difficult in today's culture. This is evident in the scandals we've seen throughout the business world. Here, Lenny advises Christian business professionals on the way to flourish.