Apologetics and Theology Books
Investing in a good library can help anyone seeking the truth on difficult questions. With this in mind, I've put together a list of resources to get the budding apologist started. By no means comprehensive, these books will aid you on your search for the answers to the difficult questions the world offers.
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General Apologetics
Heretics for Armchair Theologians
Why Good Arguments Often Fail
The God Conversation: Using Stories and Illustrations to Explain Your Faith
Reasonable Faith
Scaling the Secular City
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics
When Critics Ask
When Skeptics Ask
20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists
Evidence That Demands A Verdict Vol 1
Evidence That Demands A Verdict Vol 2
Jesus Under Fire
Faith Has Its Reasons
Mere Christianity
Know Why You Believe
Who Moved the Stone?