Come Reason Defender's Videos
Guest Speakers
Visdeo clips from world class apologists and scholars.
Join Us for the Dare to Defend Conference
PREVIEW: See who will be at this year's conference!Watch here…
Thanksgiving Decoded: The Christian Roots of America's Favorite Holiday
thanksgiving-decoded.pdfWatch here…
The Cost of Grace: Persecution as Part of the Christian Faith
the-cost-of-grace.pdfWatch here…
From Family Values to Family Crisis: The Hidden War on Families
family-values-to-family-crisis.pdfWatch here…
God’s Masterpiece: Why Little Acts of Faith Make a Big impact
gods-masterpiece.pdfWatch here…
False Teachings Exposed: A Christian's Guide to Discernment
false-teachings-exposed.pdfWatch here…
indominable-word-of-god.pdfWatch here…
Virtuous Leaders and Why They Matter
virtuous-leaders.pdfWatch here…
One Nation Under God: How America's Christian Heritage Shaped Our Country
one-nation-under-god.pdfWatch here…
Belief, Denial, and Delusion: Lessons from Jeremiah
belief-denial-and-delusion.pdfWatch here…
Beware! The Language Games of the Woke
language-games-of-the-woke.pdfWatch here…
Battling the War Against the Family
battling-the-war-against-the-family.pdfWatch here…
resurrecting-a-bold-faith.pdfWatch here…
what-is-faith.pdfWatch here…
Is Therapy Doing More Harm Than Good?
therapy-radio-program-run-sheet.pdfWatch here…
the-consummate-covenant.pdfWatch here…
abandoning-virtual-faith.pdfWatch here…
The Beauty of Eternity: What Is Heaven and Why Did God Make Hell?
the-beauty-of-eternity.pdfWatch here…
Do I Have to Try All Religions to Know Which One Is True?
do-i-have-to-try-all-religions.pdfWatch here…
The Crucifixion as Tangible History:Why the Events of the Gospels are Really Real
crucifixion-as-tangible-history.pdfWatch here…
Talking Faith Without Fighting:How to Be a Winsome Witness
talking-faith-without-fighting.pdfWatch here…
The Need for Creed: Confirming Christian Belief
the-need-for-a-creed.pdfWatch here…
the-end-of-humanity.pdfWatch here…
why-does-god-remain-hidden.pdfWatch here…
Hidden Ways The Gospels Prove Reliable
hidden-ways-the-gospels-prove-reliable.pdfWatch here…
six-trials-of-jesus.pdfWatch here…
Facing the Facts of the Resurrection
facing-the-facts-of-the-resurrection.pdfWatch here…
Balancing Predestination and Free Will (Part 2)
balance-predestination-and-free-will.pdfWatch here…
Balancing Predestination and Free Will (Part 1)
balance-predestination-and-free-will.pdfWatch here…
talking-with-mormons.pdfWatch here…
In Choosing from World Religions, Why Not Start with Jesus?
Dr. Craig Hazen presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender! Watch here…
How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Point to God
Dr. Hugh Ross presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender! Watch here…
Why Jesus Still Matters in a World That Rejects the Bible
J. Warner Wallace presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender!Watch here…
Beware: The Language Games of the Woke
Lenny Esposito presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender!Watch here…
Wokeness and Critical Race Theory
Monique Duson presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender!Watch here…
How to Survive Our Sex-Saturated Culture
Joe Dallas presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender!Watch here…
Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and the Christian
Becket Cook presenting at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender!Watch here…
All Speakers answering audience questions at the 2023 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference. To see even more videos like this, become a Defender!Watch here…
A Culture of Men Without Chests: C.S. Lewis's Warning for Today
Ken SamplesWatch here…
How Critical Theory Robs Us of the Imago Dei
Dr. Neil ShenviWatch here…
Stop Making Monkeys of Men: The Case for the Historical Adam
Dr. Fuz RanaWatch here…
Battling the War Against the Family
Lenny EspositoWatch here…
Israel, Hamas, and Evangelizing Jewish People
Brian CrawfordWatch here…
Are We Losing Our Grip on Knowledge?
Dr. Douglas GeivettWatch here…
Dr. Greg GanssleWatch here…
All Speakers answering audience questions at the 2024 SoCal Dare to Defend Conference.Watch here…
Of Locusts and Love: Why A Loving God Would Bring Calamity
of-locusts-and-love.pdfWatch here…
start-the-new-year-strong.pdfWatch here…
Christianity, Superhero Movies, and the Problem of Evil
The Question of Moral Relativism
Christianity and the Question of Suicide
Islam and Engaging with Muslims
Does God Promote Slavery, Genocide, and Sexism?
What About All the Contradictions in the Bible?
How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?
The Question of Transgenderism
The Bible Versus Other Faiths: Which is from God?
Where Do Moral Values Originate?
Most people recognize that moral values and obligations are real. However, they disagree strongly on where moral values come from. In this clip, Lenny explores Watch here…
Marissa's Story: Turning an Atheist Towards God
Apologetics Missions Trips can be so powerful, both for those going as well as the people they reach. in this short interview, Marissa tells of her first-time experience Watch here…
Apologetics Missions Trips: Making an Impact
Just what is an Apologetics Missions Trip? Why go to places like Berkeley? After just returning from one of these trips, students tell first hand how powerful these Watch here…
Putting Christianity to the Test
Of all the religions in the world, Christianity is unique. It bases its entire existence on a historical event that we can check out for ourselves. In this short Watch here…
Why Doesn't God Provide More Proof He Exists?
It's an objection that has been thrown around for years; if God exists, why doesn't he make himself more obvious? Certainly a miracle would convince the hardened Watch here…
Jehovah's Witnesses, the Bible, and Bias
The Jehovah's Witnesses claim that both the Bible we read and orthodox Christian theology has been some kind of trinitarian bias that unwittingly leads us to believe Watch here…
Questions for Skeptics: Why Aren't You More Skeptical of Your Morality?
A lot of skeptics object to the God of the Bible as being cruel, intolerant, genocidal, or worse. All of these claims hinge on a specific moral position, though. Watch here…
Questions to Ask Skeptics: What About the Problem of Evil?
One of the more difficult questions many Christians face from skeptics is the question "How can a God exist when I see so much evil in the world?" While Watch here…
Questions to Ask Skeptics: Why Are You So Intolerant?
Those critical of Christianity seem to always have a lot of objections they throw at Christians. They ask question after question, seeing if the believer can answer Watch here…
How We Are Created in the Image of God?
There seems to be a lot of confusion people have over the biblical teaching that man is created in God's image. Some falsely believe it means that God must be a Watch here…
The Date of Christmas has Nothing to Do with Pagan Holidays
Is Christmas really just a repackaging of a Roman Feast? Two Roman celebrations, Saturnalia and Sol Invictus, were celebrated in December. However, that doesn't Watch here…
Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?
One objection to God's existence that has become popular in atheist circles is the fact that God won't heal amputees. A web site of that name argues, "The Watch here…
Why The Trinity Is Not a Contradiction
One of the main criticisms of Christianity is it's description of God as a Triune being. Others have charged that the concept of three-in-one is a contradiction, Watch here…
The Explosion in Apologetics Education
Christians find their faith questioned more than ever before. That's one reason we are seeing an explosion in ways believers can learn to defend their faith with Watch here…
How to Become More Than a "Happy Meal" Christian
As Christians we need to do more than just consume the easy doctrines of Christianity or those that make us feel better. In order to wholly love God, we need to Watch here…
Why would God allow evil and sin to plague humanity? In this short clip, Lenny explains how God's desire to create creatures that truly love Him means that God Watch here…
Defending Your Faith May Help Save a Christian
Why should Christians learn how to defend their faith? Many people think that while specialists like professional apologists can argue for Christianity, it isn't Watch here…
Modern Heresies: Christian Science
What is Christian Science? How does it relate to historic Christianity? In this video, Kenny reviews a bit of the history and beliefs of Mary Baker Eddy and the Watch here…
"What Skeptics Wish Christians Knew" - Sean McDowell Update
We recently caught up with Sean McDowell who had just finished presenting a talk at an apologetics conference sponsored by the Evangelical Philosophical Society. Watch here…
Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus: What does "Firstborn" Mean?
One of the main problems with Jehovah's Witnesses is their denial of the deity of Jesus. They claim that the Bible teaches that Jesus is a created being and point Watch here…
The Best Question to Ask In Apologetics
When defending or sharing your faith, many people ask "What's the one thing to say that will change someone's mind? What's the best argument to give?" Watch here…
The Great Debate: Does God Exist? Q&A from Lenny Esposito and Richard Carrier
Lenny Espoisto and Richard Carrier answer questions after their UCR debate on the question "Does God Exist?"Watch here…
Can God Do Absolutely Anything?
Can God do anything? Why can't He do something about evil? Why can't He make everyone truly free but still choose to worship Him? In this short clip, Lenny explains Watch here…
Dr. Walt Russell on God And Technology
During a recent class at Harvest Christian Fellowship, Dr. Walt Russell (Talbot School of Theology, Biola) gave a great object lesson on how instead of thanking Watch here…
Wasn't Jesus Just One of Many Messiahs?
Skeptics and films such as the Zeitgeist movie make the claim that Jesus' story is not unique. There were many saviors in ancient religious systems and the gospels Watch here…
Is the Flying Spaghetti Monster as Justified as Belief in God?
Have you heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? This thought experiment is supposed to show that belief in God is just as silly as believing in a pasta-based Watch here…
Can we get a universe out of nothing?
Can we get a universe out of nothing? Here, Lenny explains why the well-known phrase "Out of nothing , nothing comes" still holds up.Watch here…
Can we Be Equal on Evolution's View?
If the neo-Darwinian model is true and we are merely the product of chance filtered through our environment, then how can it be that people are to be considered Watch here…
Pro Choice arguments for Abortion: "We'd mess up three lives"
This is a video reply to Touré and his claim that "abortion saved my life." Many times we hear that an abortion is necessary not only for the mother, Watch here…
Do Mormons become gods or are they merely "like God"?
When discussing the LDS view of exaltation, Christians have noted that becoming God is not only a polytheistic belief, but it is self-contradictory. Many Mormons Watch here…
Is the Mormon View of Marriage Better?
One common way LDS adherents note that their faith is more comforting is to note that in Mormonism, a husband and wife will be married for all of eternity. But Watch here…
J.P. Moreland's 2012 EPS Address
J.P. Moreland was the guest speaker at the welcoming reception for the Evangelical Philosophical Society's Annual Meeting. J.P. provided a message of encouragement Watch here…
The Zeitgeist movie makes the claim that the stories of Jesus are just copies of the ancient Egyptian dying and rising myth of Horus. The film lists several supposed Watch here…
Did the Gospels Copy from Pagan Myths?
Is the story of Jesus an old tale told often before He lived? Does that impugn the truth value of the Gospel accounts? Richard Carrier and others have claimed that Watch here…
Answering Bill Nye Videos on Teaching Creationism
Is Bill Nye right when he claims that we shouldn't teach creationism to our kids? This video has really taken off online, however Bill Nye's views are a little Watch here…
Mike Licona talks about the problems historians face
Dr. Michael Licona, a recognized expert on the resurrection, presents a paper at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society based on the research Watch here…